Jillian Turecki on Self-Love, and the relationship secrets from her New Book

and yes it really does begin with you...

Hello Friends,

It's been awhile since I've talked about one of my favorite subjects, relationships and I'm so glad we're talking about it with the incredible relationship coach extraordinaire Jillian Turecki, making this her second appearance on The Conversation. I have been an admirer of Jillians for many years now, because in my humble opinion, she is the real deal. Quite how she is so spot on with her guidance and insight, I am not sure but she just has a genuine skill which I have personally benefitted from over the years.

You may be aware of her work already, you may follow her on Instagram and the great news is that now she has a new book out It Begins with You. Which in my opinion is the best title, because that’s the truth. It does begin with us, wish that wasn’t the case, but it is.

In this interview, we discuss some of the most important (and often uncomfortable) truths about relationships: Why does it all start with you? How do you actually love yourself? And what does a truly healthy relationship even look like? Jillian lays it all out—trust, respect, emotional safety, and the messy work of integrating the parts of ourselves we’ve been taught to ignore or hide.

We also talk about confidence, why women are often drawn to disastrous men, and how embracing independence and freedom can transform your relationships. Plus, Jillian shares insights on intuition and learning to trust that quiet, wise voice inside you—the one that already knows what’s best for you.

Keep having meaningful conversations….


Amanda X

The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet is a reader-supported publication. If you can’t view the full interview please sign up for full access.


  • [2:52] How did Jillian begin to experience self-love

  • [7:33] Raising your self-esteem

  • [12:01] Jillian describes a healthy relationship and talks about her dating

  • [22:36] Are you dating a nice guy or a doormat? What about gender roles

  • [30:20] Jillian’s divorce and the self-help she received from Tony Robbins

  • [32:30] The importance of mentorship. Why are people drawn to Jullian

  • [36:22] What Jillian hopes people learn from her book, It Begins With You


  • Self-love is genuine self-acceptance—embracing your imperfections and holding yourself in high regard despite your flaws. With age and wisdom, it becomes clearer that doubting your worth is a waste of time.

  • Building self-esteem requires doing hard things that challenge and empower you, giving back and fostering community. Achievements and meaningful connections strengthen yourself and create a deeper purpose and fulfillment.

  • A healthy relationship is built on trust, respect, and emotional safety, forming a foundation for teamwork and collaboration. When challenges arise, healthy couples face them together, prioritizing open communication and problem-solving rather than withdrawing or blaming each other.

More from Jillian Turecki:

Jillian Turecki - Instagram

It Begins With You - Book

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