
Unlocking the Power of Menopause: A Conversation with The Red School.

A different and much needed perspective on the benefits of perimenopause and menopause.

Hello Friends,

As is my way, I like to share with you the information I learn about as I am navigating my own journey through life. When I hit perimenopause, I had no idea what was happening to me. I thought I was losing my mind—and in many ways, I was. My brain, as I knew it, was rewiring to support the transition I had started. But it was terrifying to be so uneducated about the weird and seemingly random changes I was experiencing not just physically, but also spiritually and emotionally.

In all my years of interviewing women, no one—not one woman—had ever mentioned the word “menopause.” And I understand why. One reason is that we live in a society that values and applauds desirability and youth, so to announce that you're entering perimenopause is to admit that you are past the sell-by date that much of our culture deems acceptable.

As I became interested in the topic and wondered why more people weren't talking about it, I started to dig into the available information. I quickly dis…

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